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Valerie Wilcox's art installation of sculptural wire and mixed media artwork, titled "Beginnings, Middles and Ends"

"Beginnings, Middles and Ends"



Valerie Wilcox is an abstract, mixed media artist who uses mainly salvaged and unexpected, humble materials to create a reimagined understanding of our constructed environment and how our brain works to piece together diverse elements. Observing what is around her in any environment, Wilcox is able to see unique opportunities with these found materials that may not otherwise have any importance in our world of hyper-consumerism. While working to expand the visual significance or value of the piece, there's an exploratory mix of painting, sculpture, craft and installation. This work is often hard to categorize other than as a very personal, individual voice trying to be seen as something other than immaterial.


Migratory Marks Installations

Wilcox’s installation series, “Migratory Marks” blurs the line between drawing and sculpture and takes you on a spontaneous journey through line, light and space.


Made from clay and covered in graphite, each sculpted “pencil mark” communicates its distinctive gestural energy which gives it a unique life of its own, yet is part of a larger whole. These marks play inventively with their own shadows which, when cast upon the wall, become two-dimensional representations of the original drawings. Together, all these elements become a collective force, suggesting a kind of group migration that twists, turns, curls and bends in and around the space, engaging you in a whimsical, yet refined excursion to an unknown destination.

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